SUBHEAD: HECO info indicates $500,000,000 cost for 20 year AKP contract for Oahu & Big Island ratepayers.
By Ed Wagner on 31 October 2011 in Island Breath - (

Image above: Aina Koa Pono's partner, ThermoChem Recovery International(TRI), is commercializing the conversion of biomass to energy through thermo-chemical gasification plants like this one. From (
Instead of Oahu and Big Island ratepayers being charged a minimum of $100-million over 20 years as suggested by the PUC D&O on Sep 29, this article by Henry Curtis suggests that the price tag would be more like the cost of the entire project as suggested by, or $476-nillion ( 23.8*20 ) just for Oahu HECO ratepayers, and the HELCO ratepayers on the Big Island would bring that price tag to over $500-million during the 20 year contract. (
Was Jay Fidell actually paid by someone; HECO or Aina Koa Pono (AKP) to write the story mentioned in the above article, claiming that the PUC's rejection of the HECO-AKP project is a setback for Hawaii just as AKP claimed that the PUC failed to consider its 12 benefits to biodiesel in Hawaii? Who is he kidding?
See Henry Curtis article below for more:
What about the OVERWHELMING NEGATIVES pointed out by Charlene On Green the past 8 months? The Pacific Business News said just the opposite by calling the PUC rejection the right call, and anyone with any common sense would agree that it was the right call. There is enough geothermal energy in Hawaii to use as our base load to power the entire state, but HECO wants to keep polluting the air with oil for another 20 years to maintain its profits.
Lustful corporate profits come before the people, the environment, and the aina. No one pays Charlene On Green, but her investigative reporting is what saved the ratepayers a half a billion dollars.
Yet, all she gets is ignored and criticized for standing up to Goliath - HECO & AKP - because everyone in this town is very territorial and fears their false Energy God and the damage it can do to their business just as it has done its best to get Charlene off the air. She is a trouble maker or a thorn in its side as well as the Governor, but she is here to stay so get used to it. She is the best thing to happen to Hawaii in a long time, always seeking truth where truth is denied to the people. She is the only Hawaii journalist with a focus on sustainability and "Green" living. (
AKP private “investors” devious plan was to use the rate payers to fund the entire lab experiment and not have to risk any of their own money. It would be like buying Treasury securities, but guaranteed by Hawaii ratepayers instead of the US Government. I can think of much better ways to spend $500-million to lower our need for electricity. Try insulating roofs and use white paint like I did to stop the heat from entering my home.
On a 90 degree day, my home is as much as 10 to 12 degrees cooler without using AC. With 10 PV panels, my last electric bill was listed as NONE. The one before was $5.00, and others are just the connection charge. We are already paying a PBF surcharge to fund Hawaii Energy, but Charlene On Green does a much better job promoting sustainability and green living so I think Hawaii Energy should be dissolved and use the money to support Charlene and create jobs to insulate and lighten up homes to cut electric bills 50-75 % or more.
The Consumer Advocacy was both negligent and derelict in its duty to protect the public by approving this alleged conspiracy to defraud the people of Oahu and the Big Island out of half a billion dollars over 20 years, and most of the State Legislature and the Governor went along for the ride. All the red warning flags raised by Charlene On Green were completely ignored by the DCA so every member of the DCA should be forced to resign.
The Hawaii DOJ, the Office of the Ombudsman, and the State Ethics Commission all pass the torch from one to the other and just ignore the consequences of their inaction. They are just as bad as our dysfunctional US Congress and probably fear their false Energy God too just like Congress fears their false Gods on Wall Street and in Corporate boardrooms. I guess someone from outside Hawaii has to come in and wipe the slate clean to get anything done in this town so we can move forward to a better future for all without our false Energy God’s monopolistic stranglehold on our future.
Maybe the people of Hawaii should file a class action lawsuit against all parties to this fiasco. Is it any wonder that the Governor’s top 4 people jumped ship within one week of the PUC’s rejection of docket 2011-0005 on Sep 29, that the Governor was voted the country’s most unpopular Governor, and that he was loudly booed at a UH game in September. It is time for all of you to start thinking like Charlene On Green (or Steve Jobs), imagining things the way they can be instead of settling for the way they are ( status quo ).
People like Charlene ( Steve Jobs ), who think they can change the world, think different. Our false God will be ousted next year, like RA, the Sun God in STAR GATE. By the way, this story makes for interesting bed fellows. I wonder if it is an attempt by AKP to keep its plans for a Ka’u biofuel plant alive. (
KENTON ELDRIDGE, co-founder and partner in `Aina Koa Pono, which plans to build a refinery and biofuel farm in Ka`u, is the new chair of The Nature Conservancy of Hawai`i, according to a report in yesterday’s Pacific Business News. Eldridge is managing director of Sennet Capital, which he co-founded with the new chair of the state Department of Business, Economic Development & Tourism, Richard Lim.
Eldridge has a background in retailing with Federated Department Stores and Duty Free Shoppers. He is a former U.S. military intelligence officer, according to the story in PBN. Eldridge serves as advisor to Innovasc and The Entrepreneurs Foundation of Hawai`i. He has served on boards of American Savings Bank, Assets School, HiBeam and Hoku Scientific.
The Olson Trust recently contributed $500,000 to The Nature Conservancy to protect native forests in Ka`u and South Kona. Its Ka`u mission includes caring for the endangered hawksbill turtle preserve at Kamehame Beach, the Kaiholena preserve and other pristine native forests in Ka`u that are owned by The Nature Conservancy. .
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