SOURCE: Jon Letman (@jonletman)
Unlike the majority of House Democrats, Hirono and Hanabusa voted in favor of NDAA.
By Jon Letman on 18 May 2012 for Civic Beat -
Image above: Hirono and Hanabusa making their victory speeches 11/2/2010. Photo by Brian Tseng. From (
Congresswomen Mazie Hirono and Colleen Hanabusa joined 222 of their Republican colleagues in voting for H.R.4310: National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for Fiscal Year 2013 which authorizes $643 billion for, among other things, the war and occupation of Afghanistan, tank upgrades, submarines, long-range bombers, Air Force drones, and an East Coast missile defense system to be built by 2015 to "counter threats from Iran and North Korea."Unlike the majority of House Democrats, both Rep. Hirono and Rep. Hanabusa voted in favor of this despite the fact that NDAA surpasses spending limits imposed by the 2011 Budget Control Act by $8 billion and is $3.7 billion over what President Obama requested. Is this Congress’s idea of fiscal responsibility?
For the rest of this article go to Civil Beat
They voted for NDAA because Daniel told them to, and they do whatever Daniel tells them to do. And Daniel is a warmonger from his early years. Daniel hasn't seen a war he doesn't like.
I certainly would not describe Reps. Hirono or Hanabusa as "Anonymous" did above -- this is not about personalities or them as individuals -- this is about politicians voting for things their constituents do not support (NDAA and continued war). This is about the false notion that we have a choice (Dem vs GOP) when in fact, all too often, it's no choice at all. And it's about the myth that endless and excessive spending on militarism and war brings us security or financial well-being. It doesn't. So rather than personally attack people, it's best to attack the policies and the circumstances that perpetuate this situation - including media and public apathy. - Jon Letman, Lihue
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