SUBHEAD: Listen to KKCR call in show about KIUC and participate in the following public meeting on May 17th.
By Jonathan Jay on 12 M ay 2012 for P2PKauai in Island Breath -
Image above: An historic photograph of wiring the Norris Electric Co-op in 1938. From (
Aloha Kakou!
I want to give you a heads-up of TWO more Smart Meter/KIUC related events Thursday afternoon and evening on May 17.
(For folks on the west and south sides, it might be easier for you to go to Koloa, where Mark Naea is doing a very informative presentation on SmartMeters.)
FIRST: Smart Meters & Beyond - The Co-op Kauai Really Wants
Recently the KIUC Board of Directors spoke to the issue of a lack of genuine dialog within the Coop. Here is your chance to begin, and everyone's chance to really listen!
Some concerns and desires have already been posted at Take a look there to see what is already on the table. It might help get you started!
We are soliciting YOUR testimony and other Kauai residents of YOUR concerns and desires. This testimony will be recorded and delivered to the next KIUC Board of Directors meeting on Tuesday, May 22, 2012.
May 17th 2012 from 4-6pm
'Out of the Box' radio show presents a special live call-in 'Community Meeting of the Airwaves'
"Smart Meters & Beyond - Visions of The Co-op Kaua'i Really Wants" You are invited to call 826-7771 to speak your concerns and desires for KIUC.
Kauai Community Radio KKCR 91.9 FM
SECOND: Strategize & Organize to Gain a Better KIUC
Following the broadcast, from 7-9pm at the Kapaa Public Library, P2P (Power to the People Kaua'i) is hosting a
'Strategize & Organize to Gain a Better KIUC' Workshop. We will have information about efforts already underway, identify for new opportunities to work together, and collaborate creatively to bring much needed positive, fundamental change to KIUC, our Island Co-op !
May 17th 2012 from 7-9pm
Kapaa Public Library, P2P is hosting a
'Strategize & Organize to Gain a Better KIUC' Workshop.
Meeting Room of the Kapaa Public Library at
1464 Kuhio Highway, Kapaa Hawaii 96746-1791
Of course, both events free and open to the public!
I do hope you mark your calendar for these events on May 17th. Remember to tune into KKCR and and get then down to the Kapaa library. Thanks for spreading the word!
For more information contact Jonathan Jay at (808) 212-7686 or email
Imua! malama pono.
if anyone has questions or would like to contact me for further info, my email address is tel. num. 212.7686. aloha!
Looks good.
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