SOURCE: Elaine Dunbar (
SUBHEAD: A notice of objection to KIUC/FFP hydroelectric plans on Kauai be the independent sovereign Hawaiian nation.
By Henry Noa on 3 June 2011 in Island Breath -

Image above: Wailua Falls in 1908 before Lihue Plantation (today Grove Farms) reduced it to a fraction of its natural flow. From the book Sugar Water.
This is an objection to the construction of proposed Hydropower projects currently under consideration for the island of Kaua’i. If constructed, not only will these projects permanently desecrate the land and waters, these would be built on lands that have been reclaimed by the Hawaiian Government of the reinstated Hawaiian Kingdom nation, without the Kingdom’s consent or authorization. On March 13, 1999, the Hawaiian people reinstated the former inherent sovereignty of the Hawaiian Kingdom.
This action was executed in accordance with international law to fulfill the obligation set forth in Article 29 of the United States Public Law 103-150, Stat. 1510-1514; November 1993 (P.L. 103-150) that states in part: “Whereas, the indigenous Hawaiian people never directly relinquished their sovereignty as a people or over their national lands to the United States.”
As set forth in the Act, the Hawaiian people never gave up their right to sovereignty and did not give up their national lands to the United States.
With the reinstatement of the lawful Hawaiian Government, the lands thought to be under the control of the United States, the State of Hawaii and the various Counties are actually owned by the Hawaiian Government. The lands and waters that these proposed projects would utilize are part of the lands of the Hawaiian Government.
Steps are being taken to reclaim such lands that were wrongfully taken. In September 9, 2001, the reinstated Hawaiian Government published a notice in the Honolulu Advertiser informing all entities of this action to reclaim the lands. The “Notice From The Reinstated Sovereignty Of The Kingdom Of Hawaii –
To Reclaim All Properties and Chattel Owned By The Kingdom Of Hawaii Prior To January 17, 1893” is set forth on page 29 of this edition. Since the notice, the reinstated Hawaiian Government has proceeded to reclaim former national lands some claims resulting in legal conflicts with public and private parties.
Plans to reclaim all properties that belong to the Hawaiian Government and the Crown are being processed for reclamation. This being the case, this letter serves as legal notice to cease and desist.
Henry Noa Prime Minister Lawful Hawaiian Government POB 2236 • Honolulu,
The Hawaiian Islands 96804 PH: 808.741.7257 / FAX: 808.623.4612
This material was Cc to:
• KAUAI ISLAND UTILITY COOPERATIVE David Bissel, President & Chief Executive Officer T. Phil Tacbian, Board Chairman 4463 Pahe'e Street, Suite 1 Lihu'e, HI, 96766
• Kimberly D. Bose, Secretary Nathaniel J. Davis, Sr., Deputy Secretary FEDERAL ENERGY REGULATORY COMMISSION 888 First Street, NE Washington, DC 20426
• Henry Dormitzer, President & Chief Financial Officer Robert Crear, Chairman, FFP Development Dan Lissner, General Counsel FREE FLOW POWER, Boston Office 239 Causeway Street, Suite 300 Boston, MA 02114-2130
See also:
PDF File of Original Letter 6/3/11
Ea O Ka Aina: Special KIUC/FERC Meeting 5/28/11
Island Breath: Kauai Water Diversion - as a way of life 4/9/04
SUBHEAD: A notice of objection to KIUC/FFP hydroelectric plans on Kauai be the independent sovereign Hawaiian nation.
By Henry Noa on 3 June 2011 in Island Breath -
Image above: Wailua Falls in 1908 before Lihue Plantation (today Grove Farms) reduced it to a fraction of its natural flow. From the book Sugar Water.
This is an objection to the construction of proposed Hydropower projects currently under consideration for the island of Kaua’i. If constructed, not only will these projects permanently desecrate the land and waters, these would be built on lands that have been reclaimed by the Hawaiian Government of the reinstated Hawaiian Kingdom nation, without the Kingdom’s consent or authorization. On March 13, 1999, the Hawaiian people reinstated the former inherent sovereignty of the Hawaiian Kingdom.
This action was executed in accordance with international law to fulfill the obligation set forth in Article 29 of the United States Public Law 103-150, Stat. 1510-1514; November 1993 (P.L. 103-150) that states in part: “Whereas, the indigenous Hawaiian people never directly relinquished their sovereignty as a people or over their national lands to the United States.”
As set forth in the Act, the Hawaiian people never gave up their right to sovereignty and did not give up their national lands to the United States.
With the reinstatement of the lawful Hawaiian Government, the lands thought to be under the control of the United States, the State of Hawaii and the various Counties are actually owned by the Hawaiian Government. The lands and waters that these proposed projects would utilize are part of the lands of the Hawaiian Government.
Steps are being taken to reclaim such lands that were wrongfully taken. In September 9, 2001, the reinstated Hawaiian Government published a notice in the Honolulu Advertiser informing all entities of this action to reclaim the lands. The “Notice From The Reinstated Sovereignty Of The Kingdom Of Hawaii –
To Reclaim All Properties and Chattel Owned By The Kingdom Of Hawaii Prior To January 17, 1893” is set forth on page 29 of this edition. Since the notice, the reinstated Hawaiian Government has proceeded to reclaim former national lands some claims resulting in legal conflicts with public and private parties.
Plans to reclaim all properties that belong to the Hawaiian Government and the Crown are being processed for reclamation. This being the case, this letter serves as legal notice to cease and desist.
Henry Noa Prime Minister Lawful Hawaiian Government POB 2236 • Honolulu,
The Hawaiian Islands 96804 PH: 808.741.7257 / FAX: 808.623.4612
This material was Cc to:
• KAUAI ISLAND UTILITY COOPERATIVE David Bissel, President & Chief Executive Officer T. Phil Tacbian, Board Chairman 4463 Pahe'e Street, Suite 1 Lihu'e, HI, 96766
• Kimberly D. Bose, Secretary Nathaniel J. Davis, Sr., Deputy Secretary FEDERAL ENERGY REGULATORY COMMISSION 888 First Street, NE Washington, DC 20426
• Henry Dormitzer, President & Chief Financial Officer Robert Crear, Chairman, FFP Development Dan Lissner, General Counsel FREE FLOW POWER, Boston Office 239 Causeway Street, Suite 300 Boston, MA 02114-2130
See also:
PDF File of Original Letter 6/3/11
Ea O Ka Aina: Special KIUC/FERC Meeting 5/28/11
Island Breath: Kauai Water Diversion - as a way of life 4/9/04
1 comment :
The special value of this Notice of Objection is that Prime Minister Noa did not act on his own initiative, but carried out the will of the Hawaiian nationals registered with the Lawful Hawaiian Government. The Lawful Hawaiian Government is intrinsically different from the current US Government where the representatives are elected, but once in office the wish of their constituents is largely ignored (e.g. ending the war in Iraq and Afghanistan is desired by the majority of the people and the representatives still ignore it), while in the Lawful Hawaiian Government the wish of the majority is a mandate for the representatives and through them to the Prime Minister, who had been elected by a majority vote of the Hawaiian nationals. Therefore any action contrary to this notice of objection would be another violation of the rights of the Hawaiian people.
By the way, if you are a resident of Hawai`i either of Hawaiian descent or not, you can too, become a Hawaiian national. Just contact Mr. Naliko Markel, Minister of Interior on Kaua`i at 828-0914.
Me ke aloha pumehana. I mua!
János Keoni Samu
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