Ben Sullivan wins KIUC election
SUBHEAD: Breaking News - KIUC announces election results
SOURCE: Brad Parsons, mauibrad@hotmail.com
By Staff on 28 March 2009 for the Garden Island -
The Kaua‘i Island Utility Cooperative announced Saturday afternoon that Ben Sullivan, Steve M. Rapozo and Stewart “Stu” Burley have been elected to KIUC’s Board of Directors. These three new directors will each serve for a 3-year term ending in March 2012.
The official results of the 2009 Board of Directors Election are as follows:
Sullivan, Ben 3,652 22.49%
Rapozo, Steve M. 2,874 17.70%
Burley, Stewart “Stu” 2,354 14.50%
Oda, Dane K. 2,131 13.12%
Paler, Raymond W. 2,031 12.51%
Georgi, JoAnne 1,967 12.11%
Chung, Milton K. 1,223 7.53%
KIUC received 6,679 qualified ballots in this election. While there were three available director slots to fill, not all voters chose to exercise all three votes on their ballot; therefore, the number of votes may not equal the total number of ballots received.
The KIUC Management with the assistance of the Omaha-based Election Consulting Services, Inc., announced the official tally this evening.
The newly-elected board members will be inaugurated on Tuesday at 11:30 a.m. in the KIUC Main Conference room, located at 4463 Pahe‘e Street in Lihu‘e. Following the inauguration, the board will hold its regularly-scheduled meeting of the Board of Directors at 1:30 p.m.
The KIUC Board of Directors consists of nine (9) elected representatives from the KIUC membership. The board governs the business affairs of KIUC and is involved in the utility’s direction and greater courses of action rather than the day-to-day utility operations.
For full coverage of the election results, see the Sunday edition of The Garden Island.

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