By Jimmy Trujillo on 14 October 2012 in Island Breath -
Image above: Beekeeper on the northeast side of Kauai. From (
Small Hive Beetle and Varroa Mite Detection:
Friday, October 19; 6:30pm
Electronic & Technology Program building, Room 114,
Kauai Community College, Puhi
The KCC Apiary Program in partnership with the Kaua’i Beekeeper’s Association and the HDOA Hawaii Apiary Program presents Lauren Russert from the HDOA Hawaii Apiary Program will bee presenting information about small hive beetle and varroa mite detection.
Ms Russert will also update Kaua’i beekeepers on the status of House Bill 2100, a legislative act signed into law by Gov. Abercrombie in June. HB2100 appropriates $30,000 to the University of Hawai'i (UH) system for bee hive research done in consultation with the Hawai'i Department of Agriculture on Hawai'i Island, Maui, O'ahu and Kaua'i.
Kaua’i’s research project is being headed up by KCC Instructor of Integrated Farming, Sharad Maharadtha. The Kaua’i research project will focus on control methods of small hive beetles, Aethina tumida, and look at comparative studies of two types of in-hive beetle traps. Additional information about the specific outcomes of the KCC led research project will bee discussed at Friday evenings presentation
Small hive beetles (SHB), originally from sub-Saharan Africa, have been spreading into temperate and tropical areas since first being detected in the gulf coast region of North America in 1996. SHB was first detected in Hawaii near Hilo in 2010. With the detection of SHB on Kaua’i in May 2012 the spread of the harmful pest has been confirmed on all the major Hawaiian islands.
Local beekeepers are being sought to help gather data about the range and intensity of the SHB population on Kaua’i. Beekeepers interested in participating in the research project may contact KCC Apiary Program research intern Jin Wah Lau via e.mail at: or KCC Apiary Program instructor Jimmy Trujillo at: or 346-7725
Hands On Workshop for Small Hive Beetle and Varroa Mite Detection
Saturday, October 20; 9:30am - 11:30am
KCC Bee Lab
Kauai Community College, Puhi
Ms Russert will also lead a demonstration the following morning. The hands on 2 hour workshop will also focus on small hive beetle and varroa mite detection. Participants will meet in the KCC Bee Lab and venture out for some field work and hive inspection in the adjacent KCC apiary. Participants are asked to bring water and appropriate clothing for working with bees.
For more information please contact:
KCC Apiary Program instructor Jimmy Trujillo
Call: (808) 346-7725
The Apiary Program at Kauai Community College
and Hoouluwehi Sustainable Living Institute of Kauai
Fall Schedule of Classes
Intro to Beekeeping
Saturday, October 27; 9am - 4pm
Kauai Community College, Puhi
Cost: $40
An introduction to beekeeping for people interested in developing and maintaining an apiary/hives for honey produts or enhancing pollination of flowering trees and vegetables. The course will provide participants with the basic understanding of bee biology, colony management and the use of hive boxes, tools and equipment for apiary development management.
Feral Hive Removal
Saturday, November 3; 9am - 4pm
Kauai Community College, Puhi
Cost: $40
TDesigned for beekeeper who would like to start or increase their apiary through the capture of feral colonies and the splitting of managed colonies to increase apiary size and productivity. Participants will learn how to set up swarm traps and collect and relocate captured hives. Techniques in transferring honey and brood comb from swarm traps, buildings or other cavities where unmanged bees exist will also be covered.
Hive Box Building
Saturday, November 10; 2pm - 5pm
& Saturday, November 17; 2pm - 7pm
Kauai Community College, Puhi
Cost: $49
This two-session course will focus on building your own hive equipment to get your apiary started. Participants will build their own equipment using KCC carpentry shop tools for traditional Langtroth and/or Top Bar Hives. All tools for the course will be provided, but students must provide for their own materials for the hive equipment which they wish to build. Instruction and guidance will be provided for operating wood working tools safely and for the efficient use of materials.
To register contact OCET Email:
Call : (808) 245-8318
These classes are eligible fo "SESP" scholarships
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