SUBHEAD: Here on Kauai we are going to unplug everything we can. Just Say YES to the Power of LESS!
By Jonathan Jay on 17 December 2011 for Island Breath -
Image above: Power Down promotional poster by Jonathan Jay.
You, Your Ohana, Your Friends, and Neighbors
Unplug Everything You Can - Power Down Your House: Just Say YES to the Power of LESS!
It starts in Your home - And thatʻs where it STOPS - Turn everything Off :)
To begin thinking about our energy "demand" in a new way - by REDUCING Demand
Second Sundays: January 8, February 12, March 11, 20112
Jonathan Jay email: website:
Image above: Power Down promotional poster by Jonathan Jay.
POWER DOWN is about using less, and discovering what that less-powered life feels like. Turn off as much as you can, and together as an island community, we will see how low we can go.
You may discover on the Fist Power Down, Sunday January 8th, you canʻt turn everything off - thatʻs OK turn off as much as you can. We are working with the engineers at KIUC to find out just how power we collectively save on that day.
Later when people like you send in your Power Down Stories to the website, and we study the data, we can retool and upgrade our efforts for the Second Power Down on Sunday February 12th. Together we can, and together we will joyfully Power Down Kaua`i, and discover the Power of Less!
By Jonathan Jay on 17 December 2011 for Island Breath -

Image above: Power Down promotional poster by Jonathan Jay.
You, Your Ohana, Your Friends, and Neighbors
Unplug Everything You Can - Power Down Your House: Just Say YES to the Power of LESS!
It starts in Your home - And thatʻs where it STOPS - Turn everything Off :)
To begin thinking about our energy "demand" in a new way - by REDUCING Demand
Second Sundays: January 8, February 12, March 11, 20112
Jonathan Jay email: website:

Image above: Power Down promotional poster by Jonathan Jay.
POWER DOWN is about using less, and discovering what that less-powered life feels like. Turn off as much as you can, and together as an island community, we will see how low we can go.
You may discover on the Fist Power Down, Sunday January 8th, you canʻt turn everything off - thatʻs OK turn off as much as you can. We are working with the engineers at KIUC to find out just how power we collectively save on that day.
Later when people like you send in your Power Down Stories to the website, and we study the data, we can retool and upgrade our efforts for the Second Power Down on Sunday February 12th. Together we can, and together we will joyfully Power Down Kaua`i, and discover the Power of Less!
1 comment :
Yes, that's what it will be in 2012 on Kauai, Powering Down, because KIUC wasted the past few years moving too slowly. The main solutions now are for those who can afford solar PV in time and otherwise it will be massive conservation (or forced powering down) by the majority of Kauai's residents. Get use to it.
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