SOURCE: Elaine Dunbar (
SUBHEAD: Monsanto's herbicide was stored and tested on Kauai and Big Island, during Vietnam War.
By Staff of the Department of Veteran's Affairs (undated) -
Image above: Monsanto's Agent Orange being applied to tropical jungle in Vietnam. From (
Agent Orange and other herbicides used in Vietnam were tested or stored elsewhere, including many military bases in the United States. Below is information from the Department of Defense (DoD) on projects to test, dispose of, or store herbicides in the U.S.
Project Description:
Field tests of defoliants were designed to evaluate such variables as rates, volume of application, season, and vegetation. Data from aerial application tests at several CONUS and OCONUS locations are provided in tables.
Agents: Orange
DoD Involvement: Yes
Location: Kauai Branch Station near Kapaa, Kawai, HI
Dates: 6/1967, 10/1967, 12/1967, 2/1968
Project Description:
During the period of 12/1966 - 10/1967, a comprehensive short-term evaluation was conducted by personnel from Fort Detrick's Plant Science Lab in coordination with contract research on formulations by chemical industry and field tests by USDA and U of HI.
Agents: Blue, diquat, paraquat, Orange, PCP, Picloram, White, HCA, 2,4, 5T, Endothall
DoD Involvement: Yes
Hilo, HI 1966
Project Description:
Field tests of defoliants were designed to evaluate such variables as rates, volume of application, season, and vegetation. Data from aerial application tests at several CONUS and OCONUS locations are provided in tables. There were Fort Detrick personnel there.
Agents: Orange
DoD Involvement: Yes
Location: State Forest area, 3500 ft.elevation on slope of Mauna Loa, near Hilo, HI
Dates: 12/2/1966, 12/4/1966, 1/12/1967
Project Description:
The purpose of this project was to evaluate iso-octyl ester of picloram (TORDON) in mixtures with ORANGE, as a candidate defoliant agent, using ORANGE as standard. There were personnel from Fort Detrick there.
Agents: Orange, M-3140, TORDON ester, 2,4-D ester, 2,4, 5-T ester
DoD Involvement: Undetermined
By Staff of the Department of Veteran's Affairs (undated) -

Image above: Monsanto's Agent Orange being applied to tropical jungle in Vietnam. From (
Agent Orange and other herbicides used in Vietnam were tested or stored elsewhere, including many military bases in the United States. Below is information from the Department of Defense (DoD) on projects to test, dispose of, or store herbicides in the U.S.
Kauai, HI 1967Project Description:
Field tests of defoliants were designed to evaluate such variables as rates, volume of application, season, and vegetation. Data from aerial application tests at several CONUS and OCONUS locations are provided in tables.
Agents: Orange
DoD Involvement: Yes
Location: Kauai Branch Station near Kapaa, Kawai, HI
Dates: 6/1967, 10/1967, 12/1967, 2/1968
Project Description:
During the period of 12/1966 - 10/1967, a comprehensive short-term evaluation was conducted by personnel from Fort Detrick's Plant Science Lab in coordination with contract research on formulations by chemical industry and field tests by USDA and U of HI.
Agents: Blue, diquat, paraquat, Orange, PCP, Picloram, White, HCA, 2,4, 5T, Endothall
DoD Involvement: Yes
Hilo, HI 1966
Project Description:
Field tests of defoliants were designed to evaluate such variables as rates, volume of application, season, and vegetation. Data from aerial application tests at several CONUS and OCONUS locations are provided in tables. There were Fort Detrick personnel there.
Agents: Orange
DoD Involvement: Yes
Location: State Forest area, 3500 ft.elevation on slope of Mauna Loa, near Hilo, HI
Dates: 12/2/1966, 12/4/1966, 1/12/1967
Project Description:
The purpose of this project was to evaluate iso-octyl ester of picloram (TORDON) in mixtures with ORANGE, as a candidate defoliant agent, using ORANGE as standard. There were personnel from Fort Detrick there.
Agents: Orange, M-3140, TORDON ester, 2,4-D ester, 2,4, 5-T ester
DoD Involvement: Undetermined
you should talk to the vet at the kapaa vet clinic. he was telling me that his summer job back in 1966- or 1967 was up on loop road directing the helicoptors or planes where to dump the chemicals. it was a great story.
What happened to my comment? I lived in Wailua River lots. I was 15-17. Deathly ill all my life. Just found out why last September.
My whole story is on my FB page with maps of poisoned area and what happened to me.
Sheridan Collins
New Mexico
A civilian who was poisoned at Gagetown in Canada when he was a child sent me a 1969 US Army document about the poisoning Including application rates and some other so called research data. It was found in the Vancouver public library. It is nowhere on line. It's a load of trash that everyone should see. By 1969, everyone knew what was happening to the vets. They really knew in 1964. I am trying to post it on a website, but I am a techno idiot. Still working on it.
Sheridan Collins
New Mexico
I would like to know if it is known what Military bases stored the agent orange.
Also what mode of transportation was used
to get the agent orange to Hawaii?
Does anyone know?
Thank You
Can't find you Sheridan..on FB
Kimberly Usher, you can find Jane Sheridan Collins on Facebook. I sent her a friend request and she accepted immediately. I was able to access pictures and maps that she has. Very helpful person.
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