SUBHEAD: The media war regarding GMOs is really heating up in conjunction with lawsuit against Kauai.
By Michael Shooltz on 15 January 2014 for Kauai Rising -
Image above: An activity book for children in support of biotechnology (GMOs). From (
It appears that the info war around GMOs in the media is really heating up in coordination with the Lawsuit against the County of Kauai regarding Bill 2491 by three of the Chemical Companies. The Kauai Farm Bureau has initiated a letter writing campaign by it's members which they plan to "funnel" to the Star Advertiser. That began today with Mr. Gottlieb's article (head of the Cattleman's Association) which follows:
In addition the following piece has just appeared in the Hawaii Free Press. It is quite "blatant".
I went to the Hoover Institution (a part of Stanford University, which is heavily funded by the Chemical Companies) to learn a bit more about it. It was interesting to note that it requires a password to read the resumes of the "Overseers" of the Hoover Institution.
However, Henry Miller, the author of this article has quite the resume and has been a mouthpiece for the Chemical Companies for over 15 years. In fact he was a part of the FDA when they first began to "fast track" their GMO approval process. See a portion of his bio below.
As the Legislature is about to enter session this is a very good time to begin to observe their lawmaking efforts and would also be a very good time to write to your Hawaii State Representatives letting them know that you will be watching their activities in this legislative session, in this election year, very carefully.
Miller served for fifteen years at the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in a number of posts. He was the medical reviewer for the first genetically engineered drugs to be evaluated by the FDA and thus instrumental in the rapid licensing of human insulin and human growth hormone.
Thereafter, he was a special assistant to the FDA commissioner and the founding director of the FDA's Office of Biotechnology. During his government service, Miller participated frequently on various expert and policy panels as a representative of the FDA or the US government. As a government official, Miller received numerous awards and citations.
Since coming to the Hoover Institution, Miller has become well known not only for his contributions to scholarly journals but also for his articles and books that make science, medicine, and technology accessible. His work has been widely published in many languages.
Monographs include Policy Controversy in Biotechnology: An Insider's View; To America's Health: A Model for Reform of the Food and Drug Administration; and The Frankenfood Myth: How Protest and Politics Threaten the Biotech Revolution.
Barron's selected The Frankenfood Myth as one of the 25 Best Books of 2004. In addition, Miller has published extensively in a wide spectrum of scholarly journals and popular publications worldwide, including
The Lancet, Journal of the American Medical Association, Science, the Nature family of journals, Chronicle of Higher Education, Forbes, National Review, Wall Street Journal, New York Times, the Guardian, Defining Ideas, and the Financial Times. He is a regulator contributor to and frequently appears on the nationally syndicated radio programs of John Batchelor and Lars Larson.
Miller was selected by the editors of Nature Biotechnology as one of the people who had made the "most significant contributions" to biotechnology during the previous decade. He serves on numerous editorial boards.
By Michael Shooltz on 15 January 2014 for Kauai Rising -

Image above: An activity book for children in support of biotechnology (GMOs). From (
It appears that the info war around GMOs in the media is really heating up in coordination with the Lawsuit against the County of Kauai regarding Bill 2491 by three of the Chemical Companies. The Kauai Farm Bureau has initiated a letter writing campaign by it's members which they plan to "funnel" to the Star Advertiser. That began today with Mr. Gottlieb's article (head of the Cattleman's Association) which follows:
Organic Farming Can't Feed the World Farmers have done a terrible job telling our story, but didn't assume we had to ("State must take lead in GMO debate," Star-Advertiser, Our View, Jan. 12). |
In addition the following piece has just appeared in the Hawaii Free Press. It is quite "blatant".
The GMO Stigma |
I went to the Hoover Institution (a part of Stanford University, which is heavily funded by the Chemical Companies) to learn a bit more about it. It was interesting to note that it requires a password to read the resumes of the "Overseers" of the Hoover Institution.
However, Henry Miller, the author of this article has quite the resume and has been a mouthpiece for the Chemical Companies for over 15 years. In fact he was a part of the FDA when they first began to "fast track" their GMO approval process. See a portion of his bio below.
As the Legislature is about to enter session this is a very good time to begin to observe their lawmaking efforts and would also be a very good time to write to your Hawaii State Representatives letting them know that you will be watching their activities in this legislative session, in this election year, very carefully.
Miller served for fifteen years at the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in a number of posts. He was the medical reviewer for the first genetically engineered drugs to be evaluated by the FDA and thus instrumental in the rapid licensing of human insulin and human growth hormone.
Thereafter, he was a special assistant to the FDA commissioner and the founding director of the FDA's Office of Biotechnology. During his government service, Miller participated frequently on various expert and policy panels as a representative of the FDA or the US government. As a government official, Miller received numerous awards and citations.
Since coming to the Hoover Institution, Miller has become well known not only for his contributions to scholarly journals but also for his articles and books that make science, medicine, and technology accessible. His work has been widely published in many languages.
Monographs include Policy Controversy in Biotechnology: An Insider's View; To America's Health: A Model for Reform of the Food and Drug Administration; and The Frankenfood Myth: How Protest and Politics Threaten the Biotech Revolution.
Barron's selected The Frankenfood Myth as one of the 25 Best Books of 2004. In addition, Miller has published extensively in a wide spectrum of scholarly journals and popular publications worldwide, including
The Lancet, Journal of the American Medical Association, Science, the Nature family of journals, Chronicle of Higher Education, Forbes, National Review, Wall Street Journal, New York Times, the Guardian, Defining Ideas, and the Financial Times. He is a regulator contributor to and frequently appears on the nationally syndicated radio programs of John Batchelor and Lars Larson.
Miller was selected by the editors of Nature Biotechnology as one of the people who had made the "most significant contributions" to biotechnology during the previous decade. He serves on numerous editorial boards.
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