By John Zwiebel on 2 August 2010 in The Garden Island News - (http://thegardenisland.com/news/opinion/mailbag/article_c6177098-9ed0-11df-951b-001cc4c03286.html)
The U.S. Supreme Court has freed corporations to control our government by changing the “rules” from “one man-one vote” to “all the votes you can buy.”
The “Citizens United” decision confirms that corporations are “persons” and as such, guaranteed those liberties defined in the U.S. Constitution.
As “people,” corporations are now allowed to donate unlimited amounts of money to whomever they want to see elected.
For example, Target Corporation — yes the discount retailer — has given $150,000 to “Minnesota Forward,” which will be used to support the very right-wing Tom Emmer in his race for governor.
MN Forward, funded only by corporations — not real people — claims to be for job creation; but like many corporate-sponsored organizations, it is mostly interested in “tax reform.”
The same “tax reform” that the Republicans in Congress are pushing. No taxes on the rich to save Social Security. No taxes on multi-million-dollar estates so your station in life is a birthright, not how well you do your job. In the world MN Forward envisions, all men are not created equal.
It is time for Kaua‘i to “Stand for Democracy.” Sign the pledge at www.standfordemocracy.org. Join the rally in front of the old County Building on Tuesday 10 August 2010 at 3 p.m.
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