SUBHEAD: You can help preserve the culture of old Hawaii and hold back the Californication of Kauai.
By John Pratt on 23 February 2012 in Island Breath -
Image above: Photo of road in Koloa Camp from Garden Island artice stylized by Juan Wilson. From (
IB Editor's note: Island Breath has been asked to provide access to a petition form for John Pratt. His PDf file can be accessed below. Those interested in helping save Koloa Camp can download the petition, print it, and, hopefully, obtain 10 signatures by March 3rd. The text of the petition is as follows.
Aloha All, we are looking for another 2,300 signatures for our "Support Koloa Camp" petition. Each page has room for 10 signatures, and it takes about 15 minutes to fill the page. Can you please help us with the petitions? If you e-mail me,, I will send you a copy. Please try and get it filled out and returned to me by the end of next week.
Most of the tenants here are seniors to elderly, and the stress of the eviction is taking its toll. If we are going to prevail, we will need the help of many others in the community, and support with this petition will be very important.
We, the undersigned residents and voters of Kaua’i support the Koloa Camp Tenants in their request to continue living and to purchase their homes at Koloa Camp, the location of some of the original plantation housing for the oldest sugar plantation in the state. Even as Kauai develops and changes, we must honor and sustain the people who, by their blood, sweat, tears and talent, have created Koloa Town and its sense of place.
We call upon Grove Farm to withdraw their eviction notices and to work with the tenants, Peter Savio and the county to seek a win-win solution for Koloa Camp. We pledge to stand with the tenants in their fight to save their homes.

Image above: A jpeg image of the petition. Please click on it for this link ( to obtain a PDF file for signatures.
1 comment :
Much mahalos to all who have come out to support our sign holding in Koloa Town. Thank you for all the signatures on our petition, as well. We have gained more support as the public learns more about our situation & solution. Aloha, Doreen Jacintho (Resident of Koloa Camp)
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